Nachrichten | News
Old Busch Tunnel operational again
Zurich: Milchbuck-Tunnel with Safety Tunnel
econstra with Tunnelling Section

3rd Brazilian Congress in Sao Paulo
Join Intertunnel trade fair in Turin
Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Premier Wen Jiabao visit Herrenknecht in Guangzhou

Saaser Tunnel – Saas Bypass opened
Redeveloping the Gubris Tunnel
Biggest individual Project started for Emscher Redevelopment Scheme
Handeck-Gerstenegg Exploratory Tunnel

Hauptbeiträge | Main Articles
Tunnel Solutions for Mexico City

Clear Announcements for Motorists: New Chances for safe Voice Alarms in Tunnels

Túnel Emisor Oriente: The biggest Sewage Project in the World

Instandsetzung | Refurbishment
Traffic Bottleneck sealed by Grouting

Novel Redevelopment and Investigation of Causes

Fachtagungen | Conferences
Underground Construction for Sustainable Environmental and Climate Protection