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Injektionstechnik | Injection Technology

Vortriebstechnik | Excavation Technology

Underground Infrastructure for the Energy Transition With Tunnelling and Trenchless Installation

More and more electricity from renewable sources, hydrogen as an alternative energy source, and the expansion of district heating: the energy transition is in full swing worldwide, particularly in industrialized countries. It requires an enormous amount of new underground infrastructure for the generation and transportation of environmentally friendly energy. This also presents new challenges and opportunities for the tunnelling and trenchless construction industries and for manufacturers of mechanized tunnelling technology. The required infrastructure can be built using both tunnelling and trenchless installation methods. Which method offers the optimal solution depends on many factors, such as the intended use, size and location of the project. Using specific examples, this article presents the advantages in the realization of different types of infrastructure for the energy transition.


Technische Ausstattung | Technical Equipment

STUVA-Nachrichten | STUVA News

STUVA Conference 2025 in Hamburg

Whether “Gateway to the World” or “Pearl of the North” – hardly any other city in Germany has as many affectionate nicknames as the old but lively Hanseatic city of Hamburg (Fig. 1). With almost two...
