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Issue 08/2008 Formwork Technology

Underwater tunnel Limerick in Ireland

As part of the new M7 motorway development in the southwest of Ireland, the 4-lane route crosses the Shannon near Limerick, a few km before the river flows directly into the Atlantic. Centrepiece of...

Issue 08/2008 Formwork Technology

7.4 km long Metro Line M4 for Budapest/H

Opened with line M1 in 1896 when the Hungarian capital celebrated its millennium, the Budapest Metro is the second oldest Underground system in Europe – after the London Underground. Since then, the...

Issue 08/2008 Formwork Technology

Complex Formwork for the TGV Tunnel at Cognières/F

Europe is edging closer together along its major traffic arteries under construction. The expansion of the high-speed rail links, co-financed by the EU with a contribution of about 10  %, shows in...

Issue 08/2008 Conferences

Drainage Systems in Tunnelling

The group for geotechnics at Graz Technical University (Institute for Applied Geo-Sciences) together with the ETH Zurich (Institute for Construction Planning and Construction Operation), the...

Issue 08/2008 Austria

Stress Controller with Resistance Reinforcement

The Tauern Tunnel is part of the Tauern motorway from Salzburg to Villach/A. The first tube of the 6.4  km long tunnel was started in 1971 and completed in 1975 (Figs. 2 and 3). It is numbered...

Issue 08/2008 Switzerland

Thun Flood Relief Tunnel, Part 2 – Compressed Air Operations with the Hydro-Shield Method

Need for Compressed Air Work In the case of the hydro-shield method accesses for the recovery of obstacles, which cannot be removed by means of the cutting wheel as well as for checking and replacing...

Issue 08/2008 Germany

Tunnelling in Germany: Statistics (2007/08), Analysis and Outlook

1 Statistics on Tunnels under Construction 2007/08 As in previous years, the STUVA also undertook a survey of current tunnelling projects in Germany at the turn-of-the-year 2007/08. The outcome is...


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