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Issue 04/2015 Switzerland

Weissenstein Tunnel: In-Depth Analysis of Extent of Renovation

The Weissenstein Tunnel, 3700 m long and located on the route between Solothurn and Moutier in Switzerland, is in a poor state. At least that’s the conclusion reached by a survey undertaken in 2011 commissioned by the route operator BLS. Studies relating to refurbishing the tunnel were carried out in 2012 and 2013. In late 2014 the AVT (Office of Transport and Civil Engineering) and the BLT jointly commissioned the results of these investigations and studies to be scrutinized

Issue 04/2015

World Tunnel Congress and ITA Annual Meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia

More than 1500 tunnellers from 71 countries gathered in Dubrovnik, Croatia from May 22 to 27, 2015. The occasion was the 41st Annual Meeting of the ITA – the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association – in conjunction with the 2015 World Tunnel Congress.

Issue 04/2015 USA

Second Midtown Tunnel in Virginia: All-Concrete Immersed Tube Tunnel

The Second Midtown Tunnel is an immersed tube tunnel, which will link Norfolk and Portsmouth in the US state of Virginia. The road tunnel will consist of eleven segments, cast in the dry dock in Baltimore County and then transported about 320 km south by sea and into the Elizabeth River to be submerged at depths of up to 29 m.

Issue 04/2015

Albabstieg Tunnel: Karst Probing and Treatment Measures

The new line from Stuttgart to Ulm is part of the new trans-European Main Line from Paris to Budapest. It crosses the Swabian Alb and is divided for planning purposes into the sections Albvorland, Albaufstieg, Albhochfläche, Albabstieg (Alb foreland, ascent, high plain and descent) and the conversion of Ulm railway station. While the high plain of the Alb is predominantly characterised by open-air line, the sloping sections each side are dominated by long tunnels. The areas have similar geology, with karstified white Jurassic limestone being the most frequent formation. For the construction of a structurally stable and serviceable high-speed permanent way, careful handling of the karst is essential. The article in tunnel 4/2015 presents the concept for karst investigation and treatment for the Alb descent.

Issue 04/2015

Ceneri Base Tunnel: Current Construction Status and Prospects

The NRLA Gotthard Axis consists, in addition to the Gotthard Base Tunnel, of the 15 km long Ceneri Base Tunnel, the two single-track bores of which are to be augmented by bifurcation structures which will permit additional traffic links. Construction is well advanced; lining installation is already proceeding in parallel to tunnel-heading work, in order that, despite the difficult geological conditions, the still ambitious time-schedule can be met.

Issue 04/2015 Germany

Boßler Tunnel: 1000 m excavated, mechanized Drive scheduled to be extended

The DB Projekt Stuttgart-Ulm GmbH is forging ahead with the construction of the Boßler Tunnel as planned. It is the longest tunnel on the new Wendlingen–Ulm rail route with a length of 8806 m. The tunnel boring machine bearing the name Kätchchen reached the 1000 m mark late in the evening on June 18, 2015 in the eastern bore, which subsequently will house the Ulm–Stuttgart track.

Issue 04/2015 Switzerland

Ceneri Base Tunnel: Operational opening delayed to December 2020

The legal dispute concerning the award of the railway systems for the Ceneri Base Tunnel has consequences. An intensive review by the constructor, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd (ATG), has concluded in mid-June 2015 that operational opening of the Ceneri Base Tunnel should now be planned for 2020 instead of 2019.


Ceneri Base Tunnel: Operational opening delayed to December 2020

The legal dispute concerning the award of the railway systems for the Ceneri Base Tunnel has consequences. An intensive review by the constructor, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd (ATG), has concluded in...

Issue 03/2015 Germany

Upgrading Project VDE 8.1: Burgberg Tunnel receives 2nd Bore

As part of the rail upgrading project VDE 8.1, a second two-track bore is required next to the existing Burgberg Tunnel on the 16 km section near Erlangen (completion by 2018, cost about 108 million...

Issue 03/2015 Germany

New Wendlingen–Ulm Rail Route on the Alb Plateau forging ahead

The Deutsche Bahn AG awarded the contract for the Merklingen-Hohenstadt route section of the new Wendlingen-Ulm rail route on the Alb Plateau to a JV comprising the contractors Leonhardt Weiss,...


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