The Deutsche Bahn AG awarded the contract for the Merklingen-Hohenstadt route section of the new Wendlingen-Ulm rail route on the Alb Plateau to a JV comprising the contractors Leonhardt Weiss,...
The TBM named “Kätchchen” used to drive the Boßler Tunnel began its work in mid-April, 2015. The machine built by Herrenknecht first tackled the eastern bore, which will one day accommodate the track running from Ulm to Stuttgart. It advanced from the start-up section at the Aichelberg portal up the Alb towards the access tunnel already produced at Umpfental near Gruibingen.
The second Metro Line (Metro Line B) in the French city of Rennes with 15 stations will be 13 km long. 8.1 km of this total will be driven mechanically and 2.4 km by cut-and-cover. The remaining parts...
Currently the Klaus chain of tunnels between the Klaus and St. Pankraz/Hinterstoder junctions, the Bosruck and the Gleinalm tunnels, which represent undeveloped gaps on the A9 Pyhrn Motorway, are...
The Granitztal Valley chain of tunnels represents part of the 130 km long Koralmbahn Railway between Graz and Klagenfurt. It is located in the 7.8 km long section between St. Andrä and Aich. The ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG has commissioned the Implenia (general management) and Hochtief Infrastruktur JV to execute construction. In early February 2015 the ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG also commissioned the production of the St. Kanzian chain of tunnels between Schreckendorf and Peratschitzen. The main elements are the 620 m long tunnel at Srejach and the 665 m long tunnel in Untersammelsdorf.
Following the successful premiere held in September 2014, the bui – Brünig Underground Innovation – trade fair is to be repeated on February 4–5, 2016. The organizers are issuing an invitation...
Hochtief Solutions Middle East Qatar W.L.L., together with Al Sraiya Strabag for Roads and Infrastructure W.L.L. and Petroserv Limited, signed a contract for construction of the central section of the new sewerage network IDRIS (Inner Doha Resewerage Implementation Strategy) under the capital of Qatar. The client is the Public Works Authority (ASHGHAL).
SKF introduces its new Lincoln P212 multi-line pump for use in multi-line lubrication systems or as a centralized pump in large progressive systems. The P212 is suitable for applications including...
If fire breaks out in a tunnel, the heat has scarcely any possibility of escape, and the temperature increases to more than 1000 °C in a short time. The heat can lead to explosive spalling from the concrete and weaken the stability of the structure. This can be hindered by the addition of polypropylene (PP) fibres. But what actually happens inside the concrete? Engineers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have found a way to measure this.
Already for the seventh time, the BASt Tunnel Symposium took place on the 28th and 29th April 2015 in the offices of the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) in Bergisch Gladbach. More...