
Steinbühl Tunnel: More than 50 % excavated

The 4847 m long Steinbühl Tunnel and the 8806 m long Boßler Tunnel, both with single-track bores, are part of the 14.5 km long Albaufstieg 2.2 planning approval section, which is an element of the 59.6 km long new rail route between Wendlingen and Ulm. 30.4 km of this total runs in nine tunnels, of which 27 km possesses two bores. The costs for the new route are earmarked at 3.26 billion euros. It is scheduled to become operational in December 2021 following eight years of construction.

The Steinbühl Tunnel is driven from the 138 m long Pfaffenäcker intermediate point of attack, located some...

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