ÖVBB "Shotcrete" Guideline
Published by: Österreichische Vereinigung für Beton und Bautechnik (ÖVBB) 12/2009: 93 pp. A4 with 32 Ills./Tables and 16 Sources. 45 euros. ÖVBB, A-1040 Vienna, Karlsgasse 5.
Fax 0043.1.504.9599.
The present guideline on “Shotcrete” represents the third revised edition of the Guideline on Concrete, Part 1 – Application (1989) and Part 2 – Testing (1992) published by the Austrian Concrete Association (ÖBV) and applied extensively throughout Europe. Thanks to the harmonising of the corresponding norms for shotcrete (EN 14487 series) national norms were withdrawn and an adjustment to this guideline became urgently necessary.
Following environmental compatibility and industrial hygiene (fluat/dust; only non-alkaline accelerator), starting materials for shotcrete, mixes and the spraying method (dry and wet spraying methods, accelerator dosage and curing) as well as demands on shotcrete (classification) and structural changes (reinforcement) are dealt with. Subsequently details of the monocoque tunnelling method (forms of execution, dimensioning and pointers for implementation) and special methods (under compressed air, fibre shotcrete: steel and polymer fibre shotcrete) are presented as well as the various tests (proof of shotcrete thickness and the early strength of young shotcrete) and the test methods ( cartridge-fired pins and penetration methods) as well as quality management. Furthermore the guideline contains recommendations for tendering (including references to contractual regulations) and numerous details of sources (norms, guidelines and bibliography). G. B.