The Underground Technology Team UTT is a division of the MAPEI group that is specialized in innovative systems for underground construction. Due to the investments in Research and Development and the technical know-how, MAPEI created a product range which includes accelerators for shotcrete, admixtures for pre-cast and ready-mix concrete, products for mechanized tunnelling, injection and consolidation and waterproofing amongst other things. The Underground Technology Team UTT consists of a work group of industry experts and specialist technicians, with a world-wide experience, who are capable...

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Issue 05/2015 Austria

11th International Shotcrete Conference in Alpbach

More than 250 experts from research and practice as well as 55 exhibitors attended the 11th International Shotcrete Conference in Alpbach/Tyrol in late January 2015 at the invitation of Prof. Wolfgang...

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Waterproofing Systems with Membranes

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MBCC Group Raises Price for Alkali-Free Shotcrete Accelerators in Tunnel Construction

Question: MBCC Group has announced a price increase before the turn of the year 2020 to 2021 – which products are affected and what is the reason behind it? Fischer: As of 21 December 2020, we have...

Issue 03/2019 Sika Deutschland

Full-Area Grouting behind existing Shotcrete Layer

After more than 60 years of use, refurbishment of the road tunnel between Neuhaus and Spitzingsee bei Schliersee, Germany, was urgently necessary. The waterproofing directly behind the shotcrete inner...

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HeidelbergCement: Development and Application of reactive Shotcrete Cements

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