Safe Tunnel Sealing and Stabilisation With a
New Hybrid Injection System

Pre-grouting and securing the tunnel face or the annular gap grouting of the segmental lining: anyone familiar with these challenges will also be familiar with the search for a safe injection process with environmentally friendly and technically mature construction materials, often even under time pressure. One solution could be the hybrid injection system from Webac-Chemie GmbH – a new injection system based on cement and reaction resin with German DIBt approval for groundwater applications.

In tunnelling and mining, it is extremely important to be able to work very quickly and safely when reaching a fault zone, in the event of a water ingress or for planned stabilisation and sealing measures. Various methods and different injection agents are available - including those based on cement, ultra-fine binders, sand, bitumen, bentonite, reaction resin and water. Depending on the soil or rock conditions and the situation on site, the advantages and disadvantages must be carefully weighed up when choosing the right method and injection agent. Webac-Chemie GmbH has developed an...

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