Planning and Building the Chancellor Line in Berlin/D
Untertiteltext Englisch
In August 2009 the new Metro section between the Central Station and the Pariser Platz, the first roughly 1.9 km long part-section of the so-called U5 Chancellor Line, was opened in the German capital Berlin. The Brandenburg Tor Station was the last structure to be constructed for the time being. This structure represents a part of the 2nd plan approval section running to the Berlin Rathaus, whose amendment plans are tabled for approval.
On August 8, 2009, the new Metro section between the Central Station and the Pariser Platz was opened by the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Fig. 1). This means that the first part-section of the so-called Chancellor Line has been completed. The Brandenburg Tor Station was the last structure to be constructed for the time being. This structure represents a part of the 2nd plan approval section running to the Berlin Rathaus, whose amendment plans are tabled for approval (Fig. 2).
The construction areas for the station building are located in the immediate...