
Zitron is a world-wide leading company in designing, manufacturing, testing, installation and commissioning of complete ventilation systems for metro, mines, railway and road tunnels. Its extensive reference list includes more than 600 different projects in over 40 countries.The fan testing facilities at their Headquarters in Spain requires an especial remark. A strict FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) is a key factor to ensure a good fan performance. Zitron‘s performance tests are carried out to prove that the fan matches the characteristic curve and to verify its efficiency.

The testing procedure is certificated by AMCA (Air Movement and Control Association from USA). Zitron‘s test bench is considered to be the world’s biggest for tunnel applications and also the world’s biggest AMCA laboratory. The growing market of Zitron fans around the world, along with a high level of client-satisfaction of document the company’s product- and service-quality.


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