
Züblin and Hochtief build
Harbour Tunnel in Bremerhaven

BIS Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH has commissioned a joint venture (JV), consisting of Ed. Züblin AG (technical leader/JV share 37 %), Hochtief Solutions AG (commercial leader/JV share 33 %) and Züblin Spezialtiefbau GmbH (JV share 30 %), to build the Cherbourger Straße harbour tunnel in Bremerhaven.

The tunnel is to run from East to West and will be located south of Cherbourger Straße. It will serve as an efficient road link, connecting the international port and business parks located close to the port with the motorway A 27. The order volume...

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