Overcoming Multiple Caverns: Successful TBM Tunneling
in Karstic Geology at Galerie des Janots
In April 2019, a 3.5 m diameter open-type Main Beam TBM and its crew broke through at the Galerie des Janots Tunnel in La Ciotat, France. The 2.8 km long tunnel, excavated in limestone known to have groundwater, karstic features, and voids, took two years to complete due to challenges including two uncharted caverns – the largest of which measured a staggering 8000 m³ in size (Fig 1).
Upgrading the Water Supply
Galerie des Janots is one of the 14 operations designed to save water and protect resources, which are being carried out by the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis, water agency Rhône Mediterranean Corsica, and the French State Government. The Janots gallery will improve access to water in the communities east of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis (Cassis, Roquefort-la-Bédoule, La Ciotat and Ceyreste). The future pipeline will replace existing pipelines, currently located in a railway tunnel, that have significant safety and vulnerability deficiencies with...