Albabstieg Tunnel:
Inner Lining completed
On the construction of the Albabstieg Tunnel, the consortium of companies Ed. Züblin and Max Bögl working for client DB Projekt Stuttgart–Ulm GmbH have now completed concreting of the last of 945 blocks of the inner lining of the tunnel. The structure of the Albabstieg Tunnel is thus complete.
At an event organised by the consortium at the start of May, DB project manager Dr. Stefan Kielbassa thanked all those involved: “For the new line from Wendlingen to Ulm, this is an important milestone. Ulm main station is now connected directly to the plain of the Alb with two tunnels.”
For the construction of the two tubes of the Albabstieg Tunnel, which will later connect the plain of the Alb with the main station in Ulm, twice 5490 m of tunnel have been excavated and eleven cross passages have been constructed. Then the tunnels were provided with an inner lining concreted in blocks, which now represents the final state of the tunnel.
Altogether about 575 000 m³ of concrete and 18 500 t of steel were used. After the concreting of the blocks had been completed, fitting out started with the edge paths and the entire railway equipment.
Construction of the Albabstieg Tunnel started in June 2014 with the official groundbreaking ceremony. Both tubes had already been excavated after less than two and a half years of work in November 2016. The tunnels were driven conventionally by the shotcrete method. Now the inner linings have also been completed after about four years of work. Concreting of the inner lining partially started parallel to continued tunnel excavation. The tunnels were excavated both from the Dornstadt portal and from the intermediate starting point in the Lehrer Tal. Altogether 450 people were employed simultaneously on the site.