Christian-Veder-Kolloquium 2012

Planning and Executing
Sealing Measures
in Geotechnics

27th Christian Veder Colloquium, April 12 and 13, 2012 – TU Graz, Geotechnics Group Graz. Edited by: M- Diestel, S. Kieffer, R. Marte, W. Schubert, H.F. Schweiger. 325 pp. (DIN A5) with 220 Ills. /Tab. and 90 Sources. ISBN 978-3-900484-63-7. Bound, 35 euros. Issue 46, Institut für Bodenmechanik und Grundbau, TU Graz.

Mastering groundwater often poses high demands on the planning and executing of technically oriented and more economic construction measures in geotechnics and tunnelling especially in construction state.

The variety of the problem complexes and possible solutions dealt with in...

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