STUVA turns 50

Untertiteltext Englisch

In June 2010 the Research Association for Underground Transportation Facilities (STUVA) celebrated its 50th  birthday [8]*. The following authentic report vividly described by Prof. Girnau, who witnessed it all from the very
beginning, takes up back to the origins of the STUVA thus showing how the Research Association, which enjoys an outstanding
reputation throughout the world, became that which it is today: an essential element of

STUVA’s Beginnings and the Karl Schmitz-Scholl Plan

Towards the end of the 1950s various things occurred at different places, which were to culminate in what became known as the STUVA in June 1960:
■ In Mühlheim an der Ruhr the entrepreneur Karl Schmitz-Scholl, the sole managing partner of the supermarket chain Emil Tengelmann and the Wissoll-Schokoladenwerke delivered a lecture to the local Rotary Club. However in contrast to other lectures held within this illustrious gremium, which were more of an informative nature, this lecture provoked an unexpected resonance from the general public and in...

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