
New Metro Line
in Mexico City

Untertiteltext Englisch

The Project Mexico City Metro Line 12 is a challenging tunnel in difficult geology below downtown areas of the Mexican Capitol. It is the first new rail route of the last 10 years in Mexico City.

In the End of May 2010, Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard, along with local authorities and contractor ICA, gathered together to watch the breakthrough of a giant. Those on hand witnessed the country’s largest TBM, at 10.2 m in diameter, break through into its first open cut station site. The 180 m long, 34 m wide breakthrough area will become Mexicaltzingo Station, the first of 8 stations in the city’s new metro Line 12 tunnel, also known as the “gold line”.

The Robbins EPB will excavate 7.7 km of the Mexican Federal District’s first new rail route in 10 years, travelling between the southern...

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