Femern pre-qualifies Companies for Multi-Million Contracts
Femern A/S has now selected the group of firms and consortia that are pre-qualified for the contracts for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel’s electrical and mechanical installations as well as the establishment of the sub-station, which will supply the tunnel and electric trains with power. Femern A/S has chosen to gather the electrical and mechanical installations into one large contract. The contract, which comprises a large number of different elements, is worth several hundred million euros.
The contract concerns the ventilation of the tunnel and in buildings, emergency doors, fire suppression systems, drainage, cabling and pipework, elevators, transformers, lighting, monitoring and control systems as well as communication systems in the tunnel.
The second contract comprises the establishment of a new large sub-station east of Rødbyhavn. The sub-station will supply power for train operations and the electrical installations in the tunnel. The trains will require significant power, which is why the sub-station will be large enough to supply a major provincial town of 10 000 households.
Work on the other railway installations such as track, catenary system and signalling will begin when the construction of the tunnel has been completed. Consequently, the first bids are expected approximately two years from now.
As regards the tender procedures, the pre-qualified companies will now prepare their technical bids for the contracts. Femern A/S expects to receive the final bids at the end of 2015. Contracts are expected to be signed in 2016. The following firms and consortia are pre-qualified:
Electrical and mechanical installations
Strabag Bravida Consortium: Strabag AG, Austria; Bravida Denmark A/S, Denmark
TEMA Consortium: Lorne Stewart Plc, UK; Rotary Building Services Ltd UK; Sweco International AB, Sweden
ALSTOM Transporte: Alstom Transport Danmark A/S, Denmark; Indra Sistemas S.A., Spain; Tecnimont Civil Construction SpA, Italy
Femern Electrical and Mechanical Contractors (FEMC): Cegelec Mobility, France; Actemium Cegelec GmbH – Vinci Energies GSS, Germany
Bravida Danmark A/S, Denmark
Cegelec Mobility – Siemens A/S Consortium: Cegelec Mobility, France; Siemens A/S, Denmark
Elektrobudowa SA, Poland