Rogfast Project E02 Kvitsøy: Tunnelling Contract Awarded
The Joint Venture (JV) of Implenia and Stangeland Maskin (Implenia 77%, Stangeland Maskin 23%) has been awarded with a second contract for the Rogfast project by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The total contract value of the new project E02 Kvitsøy amounts to more than 560 million euros.
Project E02 Kvitsøy, E39 Rogfast: A complex tunnelling system at approximately 230 m below sea level
Credit/Quelle: Norconsult/Norwegian Public Roads Administration
The E02 Kvitsøy contract is considered the most complex part of the Rogfast project and includes a two-way tunnel of approximately 8.8 km with a 10.5 m cross-section extending south and north from Kvitsøy at approximately 230 m below sea surface. The JV will also provide the complete interior finishing, technical buildings, pumping stations and further installations. Furthermore, the project includes two ventilation shafts, an interchange in the tunnel with ramps and roundabouts, 1.6 km of road in the day zone, along with two bridges and a large marine fill that will be used to create a commercial area.
JV Implenia/Stangeland Maskin To Construct Around 70 per Cent of the Entire Rogfast Project
Implenia is already building the E03 Boknafjord tunnel together with Stangeland Maskin, which means that the JV builds around 70 percent of the entire Rogfast project. On project E02 Kvitsøy Implenia will be responsible for the tunnelling and the interior finishing of the tunnel, while Stangeland Maskin will be in charge of the transportation of materials, including sea fill, ground works as well as road construction in the tunnel and day zone. The work starts in late summer 2024 and is planned to be completed in 2030.