Seoul, South Korea

Workshop on High Performance TBM Solutions

Conventional tunnelling methods have a long standing tradition in Korea but adoption of Tunnel Boring Machines has not kept pace with the rest of Asia. With the intention to increase awareness of TBM technologies as well as related products and services Herrenknecht arranged a workshop in Seoul, the vibrant capital of South Korea. On 30 March 2011 more than 120 representatives of Korean consultants, contractors, clients and universities took up the invitation to attend this one day event on High Performance TBM Solutions. The idea was born prior to the recent Korean Tunnelling Association...

Thematisch passende Artikel:

Ausgabe 03/2011

Double Shield TBM for Indian Water Tunnel

Project Background Eastern areas of India’s Andhra Pradesh state receive only 20 cm of rainfall per year - an amount comparable to Africa’s Kalahari Desert. The Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Department...


Virtual ITA Tunnelling Awards 2020 – die Finalisten

Online-Konferenz und -Preisverleihung, 3.–4. Dezember

In den vergangenen fünf Jahren wurde die Veranstaltung von verschiedenen ITA-Mitgliedsnationen ausgerichtet. Bei den vorherigen Veranstaltungen in der Schweiz, Singapur, Frankreich, China und den USA...
