Waterview Connection Tunnels Auckland: TBM Design and Tunnelling Experiences

The Waterview Connection Project represents one of the largest infrastructure developments in New Zealand. The project comprises twin-tube road tunnels that are built using a very large diameter tunnel boring machine (TBM). The tunnels impact a large number of existing buildings and utilities as they pass beneath residential property and public reserve. The tunnels also cross beneath the North Auckland Railway branch. Accordingly, exercising ground control to minimize settlements and adverse impacts to the community are of paramount importance. The tunnel project is built under high safety standards in an urban area and with shallow cover. The report addresses the TBM design and tunnelling aspects with experiences in large diameter TBM operation for the first of the twin-tube bores from the perspective of the machine manufacturer.

Thematisch passende Artikel:

Ausgabe 01/2015

Waterview Connection: TBM Alice hat zweiten Vortrieb begonnen

Zuvor hatte die Tunnelbohrmaschine Alice – benannt nach der Hauptfigur aus „Alice im Wunderland“ – die erste, 2,4 km lange Tunnelstrecke in nur elf Monaten aufgefahren, mit Bestleistungen von 126...
