The construction of underground infrastructure projects is a complex and lengthy matter. Conflicts between the contracting parties often arise during the planning and especially during the execution...
In March 2020, a solution for the new crossing of the Fehmarn Sound (Fehmarnsund) was found; the German Federal Ministry of Transport, the state of Schleswig-Holstein and Deutsche Bahn compared all...
The east tunnel of the Swiss Lötschberg base tunnel has already had to be closed three times this year due to water and mud ingress: In February, March and most recently at the end of April 2020. The...
At the beginning of May 2020, German Railways (DB) reached another milestone in the Stuttgart 21 project: With the breakthrough of the eastern tube of the 9.5 km long Filder Tunnel, the last of four...
And once again the Stuttgart 21 project: Driving for the Feuerbach Tunnel, which connects the existing railway lines to and from Mannheim, Karlsruhe and Paris with the future Stuttgart Central...
For the reorganisation of the Stuttgart rail junction, the structural work has progressed so far that the next phase of the project can be started: Deutsche Bahn has now awarded the first contract for...
In December 2019, the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) examined the implementation project for the construction of the second Gotthard tube and...
On 21 April 2020, in order to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 the Senate of Berlin imposed a ban on staging large events, in particular trade fairs with an attendance of more than 5000 visitors,...
The rock bolter DS512i for 5m x 5m size headings from Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology is equipped with a completely new carrier, high frequency rock drill, control system and ergonomic cabin, the...
Munich’s Franz-Josef Strauß airport in the Erdinger Moos is increasingly important as an economic factor for the region of Bavaria as well as a transfer location for passengers and freight all over...
According to the German tram regulations BOStrab [1], constructional fire protection for underground transport structures in urban areas has to be paid particular attention. In addition to endangering...
The Austrian municipality of Serfaus has only about 1000 inhabitants; however, in winter, with the start of the ski season, the small town turns into a lively tourist destination. A tracked hovercraft...
For the Alphington Sewer Projekt in Melbourne, Australia, the responsible authority Melbourne Water ordered the replacement of masonry sewers more than 100 years old between Coate Park and the Latobe...
In autumn 2017, excavation of the bypass tunnel around the centre of Küssnacht, Switzerland, had to be stopped due to obstruction of the works by heavy slurry inflow and a cave-in. Intensive...
Rail and road tunnels have to meet rigorous ventilation standards in terms of air quality and fire safety. Utilising variable frequency drives can help to ensure their maximum uptime and energy...