Steinbühl Tunnel: Karst and other special Features

The 4.8 km long Steinbühl Tunnel, which is being constructed by the shotcrete method for the Alb ascent Albaufstieg on the new railway line from Wendlingen to Ulm, will see the breakthrough celebrations of its main drives this year. With more than 86 % completed as of June 2015, it is now possible to report on the special features of the tunnelling works. The concept of recirculating ventilation is presented, as well as experience with the karst phenomenon and a description of karst investigation. Thanks to the quicker tunnelling progress, the construction of the inner lining can be brought forward. As part of this optimisation, the last planner method, an element of lean management, has been used for the preparatory design processes.

1     Introduction

The Albaufstieg, planning section 2.2, with a length of 15.77 km is the key part of the new line from Wendlingen to Ulm. The two bores of the Boßler Tunnel, each 8.8 km long, the 485 m long Filstal bridge and the 4.8 km long, twin bore Steinbühl Tunnel altogether overcome a height difference of about 300 m. While the existing line winds slowly up the Alb, trains on the future line will cover the section in only 4 minutes. The Albaufstieg section between Aichelberg and Hohenstadt will thus make a major contribution to halving the current journey time between Stuttgart and Ulm...

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Issue 04/2015

Albabstieg Tunnel: Karst Probing and Treatment Measures

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Issue 02/2016

Dimensioning Fire when Designing the Steinbühl Tunnel

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Ulriken Tunnel – The first TBM Drive for a Railway Tunnel in Norway

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