STUVA Research and Development

Safety and Emergency Management in Local Public Transport

Incidences of violence and damage to property at stops and in vehicles can lead to passengers feeling insecure or deciding to opt out of public transportation altogether. This applies in particular to the night hours and quiet periods. However, drivers, service staff and safety personnel can also become involved in critical situations. During the last three years the STUVA has successfully coordinated the InREAKT project, in which primarily new technical approaches for increasing safety and improving emergency management in public commuter transport have been developed.

Effective emergency...

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The STUVA coordinates Research Project “inREAKT” for enhancing Security in Local Public Transport

Public commuter transportation represents the central element of the urban infrastructure. Incidents involving violence, damage to property and vandalism in buses and trains as well as at stops can...

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The initiative “Germany – Land of Ideas” and the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure acknowledged the “InREAKT – Integrated Help Reaction Chains to enhance Safety in Public...

Issue 03/2016 Security in Public Transport

InREAKT Research Project enters its final Phase

For several weeks now a tram stop shelter has graced the STUVA halls in Cologne. It serves to direct theoretical findings gained within the scope of the research project “InREAKT – Integrated...

Issue 01/2015 InREAKT Workshop

Public Transportation: Video Monitoring and Data Protection

Within the scope of the “InREAKT” research project (Integrated Assistance Chains of Reaction to increase Safety in Public Transportation), the STUVA staged a second workshop captioned “New Methods...

Issue 04/2020

60 Years For Transport – STUVA Anniversary

It all began on the 5th January 1959. On this day in the Rotary-Club in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Karl Schmitz-Scholl, founder of the Tengelmann Group, presented his vision of an underground railway...
