STUVA Conference 2021 Planned as a Face-to-Face Event

Standard at the STUVA Conference: The large stage with the double presentation gives every speaker all the space they need
Credit/Quelle: STUVA

Standard at the STUVA Conference: The large stage with the double presentation gives every speaker all the space they need
Credit/Quelle: STUVA

The decision has been made: Thanks to the far advanced vaccination campaign against the coronavirus, the „family reunion of the tunnel industry“, the STUVA conference with accompanying trade exhibition STUVA-Expo, is to take place as a face-to-face event in the familiar manner from 24 to 26 November 2021 at Messe Karlsruhe.

„Of course, we will carefully monitor the further development of the pandemic and observe the official requirements when holding the event. We may still have to put up with some restrictions, but the opportunity for the long-awaited personal exchange will certainly outweigh these,“ says Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ziegler, Chairman of the STUVA Board.

The STUVA Conference is just the place for networking; it is one of the most important forums for the entire underground sector. With more than 3800 professionals from over 20 countries last time, it is one of the world‘s leading and largest events in the tunnel sector.

The traditional festive evening on the first day of the STUVA Conference has become an absolute highlight of the event in recent years, where business partners meet in a relaxed atmosphere.

The lecture events are bilingual throughout (simultaneous translation German/English) and will take place on 24 and 25 November. Parallel to the lecture series on „Tunnel Construction“, lectures on „Tunnel Operation/Planning“ will be presented in a separate auditorium.

„The STUVA Conference comes at exactly the right moment. Transformative changes lie ahead for our industry in the coming years. The goal of complete climate neutrality by 2045 alone will lead to a fundamental change in drive technologies and to far-reaching changes in the infrastructure. If not us engineers, who is to ensure that these goals can also be implemented technically?“ states STUVA Managing Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker.

Ziegler adds: „You can look forward to over 60 cutting-edge and exciting technical presentations and the numerous innovative products at the accompanying STUVA Expo.“

Auf die Sicherheit der Aussteller, Tagungsteilnehmer und Besucher wird größter Wert gelegt. Für den Zugang zur STUVA-Expo und zur STUVA-Tagung gilt daher die sogenannte „3-G-Regel“. Dies bedeutet, dass ausschließlich Personen Zugang zur Veranstaltung erhalten, die entweder vollständig geimpft oder genesen sind oder negativ auf das Coronavirus getestet wurden (gemäß CoronaVO Baden-Württemberg vom 25.06.2021). Deshalb wird für die Teilnahme dringend empfohlen, sich so rechtzeitig impfen zu lassen, dass vor der Veranstaltung der vollständige Schutz gewährleistet ist. Andernfalls sollten sich nicht geimpfte Personen bereits vor der Anreise testen lassen. Als Rückfall­ebene soll vor Ort ein Testcenter eingerichtet werden.
Über die weiteren Maßnahmen, wie z. B. das zur Veranstaltung gültige Hygienekonzept, wird im Vorfeld der Tagung auf und informiert. Informationen zu möglichen Einreisebeschränkungen nach Deutschland finden Sie auf der Webseite des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (

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