Process-Oriented Numerical Simulations and Track Design in Urban Mechanized Tunnelling
The development of a real-time interactive platform for digital exploration and evaluation of various tunnel alignments in urban areas provides a valuable tool during the planning process to support the decision-making. Such a platform should allow for visual exploration and parametric generation of feasible alignments considering all project design criteria. This article presents a digital interactive track design tool for collaborative planning processes, in which the simulation results, i.e. settlements, construction time, and the damage assessment of existing infrastructure, is integrated and visualized in real-time.
1 Digital Planning of Tunnel Alignments in Mechanized Tunnelling
A major challenge during the early design phase of tunnelling projects, particularly in urban setting, is the planning of an optimal tunnel alignment. The manifold impacts on this decision can be driven by economic interests, budget constraints, environmental requirements, schedules, and technical considerations. In the current traditional design process, the evaluation of various tunnel alignments is performed based on the engineering expertise in selecting the optimal low-risk and cost-efficient alignment using an evaluation...