The following companies joined the STUVA in 2019:
DigitalTwin Technology GmbH, Cologne (Germany)
Gall Zeidler Consultants, LLC, Ashburn (USA)
Geoconsult Deutschland GmbH, Berlin (Germany)
The following companies joined the STUVA during the first half of 2020:
EJ Deutschland GmbH, Boppard (Germany)
Feldhaus Bergbau GmbH & Co. KG, Schmallenberg (Germany)
iC Consulten GmbH,...
The following companies joined the STUVA during the second half of 2018:
? Aerzen Rental Deutschland GmbH, Rinteln (Germany)
? Optimas Solutions Sofrasar, Sarrequemines (France)
? Ryll Management,...
The following companies joined the STUVA during the second half of 2020:
Technische Hochschule Köln, Cologne, Germany
Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Berlin, Germany
BGS Bau Guss AG, Härkingen,...
The following companies joined the STUVA during the first half of 2017:
K+S Ingenieur-Consult GmbH & Co. KG, Nuremberg (Germany)
Verband der Stahlfaserhersteller e. V., Hamm (Germany)
IHC Hytop B.V.,...