InnoTrans 2016

International Tunnel Forum at the InnoTrans: Dialogue with Experts on highly topical Themes

Highly topical themes relating to mobility and tunnelling will once again be discussed at the “International Tunnel Forum” over two days at this year’s InnoTrans in Berlin. The organization und contents of this forum on September 21 and 22, 2016 will be the responsibility of the STUVA Inc. (Research Association for Tunnels and Transportation Facilities).


Practical Application of BIM in Tunnelling

The first event on September 21 is devoted to the issue of “BIM – An Added Value for Tunnelling?”. At the start of 2014, the European Parliament recommended the use of computer-aided methods like Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the procurement of public construction contracts with a draft of a new directive on the award of concession contracts. BIM supplements the design of buildings from geometrical (3D) data with further information such as properties of the object, construction time and costs. The use of BIM is already compulsory for public construction projects in many European countries. In order to promote its use in Germany, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) published a stage plan for BIM introduction at the end of 2015. This mainly applies for infrastructure projects and buildings associated with them but can also be applied to other areas. The BMVI is also supporting four pilot projects. From 2020, BIM should be regularly used for the design of new projects in the scope of responsibility of the BMVI. But what added value does BIM offer for tunnelling? The forum will discuss how this design method can be sensibly applied under the special conditions of underground construction.


Are underground Stations particularly risky Areas?

The second forum on September 22 will deal with the topic “Underground Stations – A special Safety and Security Risk?”. Alongside other factors like comfortable trains and short cycle times, the subject of safety and security is a decisive sales argument for public transport for transport operators. In addition to operational and technical safety, security has become ever more significant in recent decades. Accordingly, extensive measures have already been introduced by transport operators in the past and sums in the magnitude of many millions are currently being invested. The preferred measures include the installation of video surveillance systems, the employment of security services and the setting up of special security control centres. The forum will explore the question whether underground stations are particularly risky areas, what requirements are imposed on the operators of underground facilities and which measures achieve a gain of objective and subjective security. The current developments in this field will be discussed, as well as what design options are already available for new construction or for the refurbishment of stations.


BIM – An Added Value for Tunnelling?

September 21, 2016, 2 to 4 pm


Dipl.-Ing. (ETH) Heinz Ehrbar, Head of Major Projects
Management, DB Netz AG, Frankfurt a. M., Germany

Dr.-Ing. Peter-Michael Mayer, Authorized Officer, Business Unit Manager Tunnel Engineering, Ed. Züblin AG; Managing Director, ITC Engineering GmbH & Co. KG; Stuttgart

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Schaper, Managing Director, HOCHTIEF Vicon GmbH, Essen, Germany; Speaker of the Supervisory Board of buildingSMART e. V. German Speaking Chapter

Dipl.-Ing. Marko Žibert, Head of Tunnelling and Geotechnics, Partner, ELEA iC d.o.o. Civil Engineering and Consulting, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker, Managing Director, STUVA, Cologne, Germany

Underground Stations – A special Safety and Security Risk?

September 22, 2016, 2 to 4 pm


Han Admiraal, Managing Director, Enprodes Management Consultancy BV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Chair of the ITA Committee on Underground Space (ITACUS)

Dr. Carsten Jacobsen, Member of CIO Board, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG (Berlin Public Transportation Services), Berlin, Germany

Dr. Eric Premat, Deputy Head, CETU, Centre d’Etudes des Tunnels (French National Study Centre for Tunnels), Lyon, France

Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Schuh, Architect, Director netzwerkarchitekten, Darmstadt, Germany


Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker, Managing Director, STUVA, Cologne, Germany

Exhibition Ground, City Cube Berlin, Level 3, Room M8

Participation fee: trade visitors free-of-charge

Conference languages: German and English

Organizer: STUVA, Cologne, Germany

Contact person: Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker



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