
Financing of Rastatt Tunnel

The urgently needed upgrading of the Rhine Valley rail route is forging ahead. The Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development and the Deutsche Bahn AG have reached agreement on financing the construction of the 16 km long line to the south of Karlsruhe including the Rastatt Tunnel (August 24, 2012) for 693 million euros. The Rhine Valley route is one of the busiest rail lines in Germany. As the main axis for goods traffic between the container ports in the north and Switzerland and Italy in the south, it is being developed for 4 tracks and to cope with speeds of up to 250...

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Rastatt Tunnel commissioned

The Rheintalbahn (Rhine Valley Railway) is one of Germany’s busiest rail routes. It is extended on to four tracks mainly for the requirements of freight traffic running between the container ports in...

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Rastatt Tunnel: Strict Demands placed on mechanized Tunnelling

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Issue 08/2015 Germany

First Tunnel Boring Machine approved for Rastatt Tunnel

The first of two tunnel boring machines (TBMs) for the Rastatt Tunnel by manufacturer Herrenknecht was approved by the customer, the Tunnel Rastatt JV, on December 8, 2015 at the factory in Schwanau....

Issue 02/2012 Germany

Building the Rastatt Tunnel

A tunnel is to be produced in Rastatt after all in conjunction with the 4-track upgrading of the Rheintal railway. It will undercut the entire bounds of the city as well as the Federbach lowland area...

Issue 03/2013 Germany

Katzenberg Tunnel operational

The 8,385 m long Katzenberg Tunnel was opened after 9 years of construction when the timetable changed on December 9, 2012. A few days previously 2 trains, an ICE and a goods train, passed parallel...
