2015 STUVA Conference in Dortmund from December 1–3
The 2015 STUVA Conference will be held in Dortmund from December 1 to 3, 2015 – the international forum for tunnels and infrastructure. For the first time, this year will feature a parallel series of lectures on tunnel operation in a separate auditorium in addition to the lecture series devoted to tunnelling. The following topics will be tackled in more than 60 papers:
Tunnelling Lectures
International major projects
Mechanized tunnelling
Combined construction methods
Youth Forum
Construction technology and legal issues
Tunnel safety
Reconstruction and redevelopment
Underground construction in Dortmund
Lectures on Tunnel Operation
Future perspectives
Operational safety
Personal security
Redevelopment and maintenance
Fire protection and ventilation
The papers presented in German and English will be simultaneously translated into the other language.
Exhibition featuring 164 international
An exhibition will run parallel to the series of lectures. 164 leading companies from home and abroad are looking forward to presenting their products encompassing the value creation chain from the field of underground construction to the world of tunnelling over an exhibition area of more than 6000 m². Visiting the STUVA Expo is free of charge. The festive evening on December 1 and the excursions on December 3 round off the mix of professional enlightenment and networking event.
The outstanding significance of the STUVA Conference for tunnelling and tunnel operation was also recognized by the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). In conjunction with the German Tunnelling Committee (DAUB) and the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) these institutions support the values of the STUVA Conference.