
Swiss Tunnel Congress 2010

Specialist Conference for Underground Construction – Colloquium: Concrete Technol­ogy Colloquium on June 9, and specialist conference on June
10, 2010, in Lucerne, Switzer­land. Publisher: FGU Technical Group for Underground Con­struction of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA).

2010, Volume 9, 292 pages (21 x 30 cm) with 214 illustrations/tables and 56 sources. ISBN 978-3-7625-3639-0, bound, 90.-- euro/120.-- CHF, Bauverlag BV GmbH, D-33311 Gütersloh, Germany. Obtainable from www.profil‑buchhandlung.de or www.swisstunnel.ch

The Technical Group for Underground Construction (FGU)...

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