Fire Protection

Tunnel Flaps –
Systems for safer Tunnels

Fire protection, especially in tunnelling, is written with capital letters. There are of course various methods of attaining proper fire protection. The following report concentrates on removing smoke from tunnels.

At the latest since the terrible fire in the Mont Blanc Tunnel in 1999 resulting in 39 dead and the Tauern Tunnel fire in the same year with 12 fatalities the topic “removing smoke from tunnels” has been at the very top of the to-do list for politicians and transport planners. Smoke removal is not simply focused on for new structures. The redevelopment of older tunnels confronts planners, contractors and system providers with challenges. Up until 2019 an estimated Euro 19 bill. will have to be invested for renovating road tunnels.

Compared to open areas and buildings the evacuation...

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