
Start of Construction New Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel

The 4,205 m long two-track Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel between Ediger-Eller and Cochem is more than 130 years old and has to be refurbished. Towards this end a new Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel is to be built roughly 15 m away. After it is opened the existing tunnel will be redeveloped and subsequently the two tunnels operated with single tracks.

Production of the new Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel with a monocoque segmental lining commenced on May 10, 2010 at the Ediger-Eller south portal in the direction of Cochem. A TBM (Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau/D; S-547) with 10.1 m cutterhead diameter and 61,766 kN thrust will...

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New Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel

The more than 4.2 km long twin-track Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel (1877) between Cochem and Ediger-Eller had to be redeveloped. As a result it was decided to build a new Kaiser Wilhelm Tunnel set some 15 m...

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